Saturday, August 28, 2010


Okay so basically i am so sorry i have neglected you blog. So i am going to make it up to you by updating right now. I wore the shirt on Friday night (the first Friday night of the school year) to my Party me and my best friend bailey hosted. We played a game called minute to win it. here is some of the awesome games from it:

Teams: ha. drawn out of a hat. :)

Game: (Egg Drop)  put on a poncho and an EXTREMELY GIANT BRA. and catch at 6 eggs in the "cups" Player: Devin and Cameron

This picture is just adorable:

Game:(elephant march)  put nylons with a baseball at the foot of it over your head swing to knock over all 6 cans.
Player: Casey and Skylar

Okay so lots of the photos were terrible for some games and some were unavailable. so here is a little inside scoop of the games: backflip: flip 2 pencils off the back of your hand and catch them  add 2 every time until you get up to 12 pencils. Cereal sea span-Put together the back of a cereal box (harder than it sounds) card ninja-throw cards at a half of a watermelon and make it stick. nobody could get this one. not even when we were up close. ha. wet ball- squirt a balloon into a garbage can. pup in a cup- bounce ping pong balls into a different cups. Twist and shout- I had to do this one haha. you have to put a tennis ball in between your thighs and wiggle it around to get the gumball in the middle. no one could do this either. bottoms up- tie a yoyo to a belt buckle on your rear end and knock over 8 cans. elephant march and egg drop see above. :)

and one last detail: the winner is Team one! i won. hehhe. :)


  1. hahaha. i love it. i love how you wore the shirt to your party, and i love all those cute boys! :) more importantly i love you miss erin! miss you! see you soon!


  2. hahah. I love it too! and those cute boys! Love ya too! xoxo
